
Selection of publications related to the design or improvement of the equipment:

  1. I. Avellino, C. Fleury, W. Mackay, M. Beaudouin-Lafon (2017). CamRay: Camera Arrays Support Remote Collaboration on Wall-Sized Displays. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 6718 - 6729 [DOI : 10.1145/3025453.3025604].
  2. W. Chen, C. Clavel, N. Férey, P. Bourdot (2014). Perceptual Conflicts in a Multi-Stereoscopic Immersive Virtual Environment: Case Study on Face-to-Face Interaction through an Avatar. PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 23(4):410-429.
  3. W. Chen, N. Ladevèze, C. Clavel, D. Mestre, P. Bourdot (2015). User Cohabitation in Multi-stereoscopic Immersive Virtual Environment for Individual Navigation Tasks. In Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR 2015). Arles, France. March 2015, pp. 47-54.
  4. W. Chen, N. Ladevèze, W. Hu, S. Ou, P. Bourdot (2019). Comparison Between the Methods of Adjustment and Constant Stimuli for the Estimation of Redirection Detection Thresholds. EuroVR 2019, pp. 226-245.
  5. C. Liu, O. Chapuis, M. Beaudouin-Lafon, E. Lecolinet (2017). CoReach: Cooperative Gestures for Data Manipulation on Wall-sized Displays. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, [DOI : 10.1145/3025453.3025594].
  6. M. Mancip, R. Spezia, Y. Jeanvoine, C. Balsier (2018). TileViz: Tile visualization for direct dynamics applied to astrochemical reactions. IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, 2018(16), 286–1–286–7. [DOI 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2018.16.SDA-286].
  7. Y. Okuya, N. Ladeveze, O. Gladin, C. Fleury, P. Bourdot (2018). Distributed Architecture for Remote Collaborative Modification of Parametric CAD Data. In Proc. the IEEE VR 2018 International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DCVE). Reutlingen, Germany, March 2018. 4p.
  8. Y. Zhang, N. Ladevèze, C. Fleury, P. Bourdot (2019). Switch Techniques to Recover Spatial Consistency Between Virtual and Real World for Navigation with Teleportation. EuroVR 2019, pp. 3-23.

Selection of publications related to the use of the equipment:

  1. L. Borne, J-F. Mangin, D. Rivière, M. Mancip (2019). Automatic labeling of cortical sulci using patch- or CNN-based segmentation techniques combined with bottom-up geometric constraints. Medical Image Analysis, MEDIA-D-19-00395R2.
  2. N. Boukhelifa, M-E. Perrin, S. Huron, J. Eagan (2017). How Data Workers Cope with Uncertainty: A Task Characterisation Study. In CHI'17: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 3645-3656. Honorable Mention Award.
  3. O. Chapuis, A. Bezerianos and S. Frantzeskakis (2014). Smarties: An Input System for Wall Display Development. In Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014). ACM, pp. 2763-2772.
  4. S. Crozet, J-C. Léon, X. Merlhiot (2018). Fast computation of local minimal distances between CAD models for dynamics simulation. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 15:4, 585-600, [DOI: 10.1080/16864360.2017.1419646].
  5. B. Fruchard, E. Lecolinet, O. Chapuis (2018). How Memorizing Positions or Directions Affects Gesture Learning? In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS ’18), ACM.
  6. P. Isenberg, P. Dragicevic, W. Willett, A. Bezerianos and J-D. Fekete (2013). Hybrid-Image Visualization for Large Viewing Environments. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis 2013), 19(12):2346-2355.
  7. N. Khenak, J-M. Vézien, P. Bourdot (2019). The Construction and Validation of the SP-IE Questionnaire: An Instrument for Measuring Spatial Presence in Immersive Environments. EuroVR 2019, pp. 201-225.
  8. C. Klokmose, J. Eagan, S. Baader, W. Mackay, M. Beaudouin-Lafon (2015). Webstrates: Shareable Dynamic Media. In Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’15), ACM, November 2015, pp. 280-290. Best paper award.
  9. C. Liu, O. Chapuis, M. Beaudouin‑Lafon, E. Lecolinet and W. Mackay (2014). Effects of Display Size, Navigation Type on a Classification Task. In Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014). ACM, pp. 4147‑4156. Best Paper Award.
  10. J. Liu, N. Boukhelifa, J. Eagan (2019). Understanding the Role of Alternatives in Data Analysis Practices. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 66-76.
  11. P. Martin, S. Masfrand, Y. Okuya, P. Bourdot (2017). A VR-CAD Data Model for Immersive Design - The cRea-VR Proof of Concept. AVR 2017, Ugento, Italy, June 12-15, 2017, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10324, Springer.
  12. X. Martinez, N. Férey, J-M. Vézien, P. Bourdot (2019). Markerless tracking of modular molecular physical models: towards tangible interfaces. Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting. 14(2017), n°2. 12p. February 2019.
  13. B. Menelas, L. Picinali, P. Bourdot, B. Katz (2014). Non-visual identification, localization, and selection of entities of interest in a 3D environment. Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces, Springer. 8(3):243–256.
  14. M. Nancel, E. Pietriga, O. Chapuis & M. Beaudouin-Lafon (2015). Mid-air Pointing on Ultra-Walls. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), 22(5), 62 pages.
  15. Y. Okuya, N. Ladevèze, C. Fleury, P. Bourdot (2018). ShapeGuide: Shape-Based 3D Interaction for Parameter Modification of Native CAD Data. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Volume 5. Article 118. 16p.
  16. Y. Okuya, O. Gladin, N. Ladevèze, C. Fleury, P. Bourdot (2020). Investigating Collaborative Exploration of Design Alternatives on a Wall-Sized Display. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM.
  17. Z. Palmai, K. Houenoussi, S. Cohen-Kaminsky, L. Tchertanov (2018). How does binding of agonist ligands control intrinsic molecular dynamics in human NMDA receptors? PLoS ONE, 13(8) Aug 3, 2018. [DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0201234].
  18. A. Prouzeau, A. Bezerianos, O. Chapuis (2017). Trade-offs Between a Vertical Shared Display and Two Desktops in a Collaborative Path-Finding Task. In GI '17: Proceedings of Graphics Interface, CHCCS.
  19. A. Prouzeau, A. Bezerianos, O. Chapuis (2017). Evaluating Multi-User Selection for Exploring Graph Topology on Wall-Displays. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(8), pp. 1936-1951.
  20. A. Prouzeau, A. Bezerianos, O. Chapuis (2018). Awareness Techniques to Aid Transitions between Personal and Shared Workspaces in Multi-Display Environments. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS ’18), ACM, pp. 291-304.
  21. M. Teyssier, G. Bailly, C. Pelachaud, E. Lecolinet (2018). MobiLimb: Augmenting Mobile Devices with a Robotic Limb. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST’18), Berlin, Germany, ACM, pp. 53-63.
  22. V. Thomasset, S. Caron, V. Weistroffer (2019). Lower body control of a semi-autonomous avatar in Virtual Reality: Balance and Locomotion of a 3D Bipedal Model. VRST 2019.
  23. M. Trellet, N. Férey, J. Flotynski, M. Baaden, P. Bourdot (2018). Semantics for an Integrative and Immersive Pipeline Combining Visualization and Analysis of Molecular Data. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. Volume 15, Issue 2. 19p.
  24. T. Tsandilas, A. Bezerianos and T. Jacob (2015). SketchSliders: Sketching Widgets for Visual Exploration on Wall Displays. In Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015). ACM, pp. 3255-3264, Honorable Mention award.
  25. B. Vincke, M. Anis Ghaoui, N. Férey, X. Martinez, L. Brochot (2019). Modular and Flexible Tangible Molecular Interface for Interactive Molecular Simulation Based on Internet of Things Approach. EuroVR 2019, pp. 24-32.
  26. J. Wagner, M. Nancel, S. Gustafson, S. Huot and W.E. Mackay (2013). A Body-centric Design Space for Multi-surface. In Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013). ACM, pp. 1299-1308. Honorable Mention award